SCREEN2EXE 3.6 Screen recorder for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

SCREEN2EXE Abstract:

SCREEN2EXE is a program that includes the functions and options needed to record the source videos using your PC Desktop. It is a freeware screen demo creation application that's straightforward, comprehensive and reliable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Create instant screen demos from multiple monitors at the same time that customize accordingly - Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE
Create instant screen demos from multiple monitors at the same time that customize accordingly.
Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE - 728px · 571px
Capture the screen and create EXE or SWF file - Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE
Capture the screen and create EXE or SWF file.
Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE - 947px · 709px
Screencast demos with maximum compression output - Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE
Screencast demos with maximum compression output.
Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE - 584px · 635px
Free tool creates instant screen demos - Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE
Free tool creates instant screen demos.
Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE - 556px · 392px
Tool creates instant screen demos with the highest compression ratio - Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE
Tool creates instant screen demos with the highest compression ratio.
Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE - 556px · 392px
SCREEN2EXE: User interface - Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE
SCREEN2EXE: User interface.
Screenshot of SCREEN2EXE - 556px · 392px